
We are a certified company led by a well-qualified team. With every passing day, we are evolving and innovating our values to make it a lifetime experience for you.

Our Prime Responsibility

Customer Satisfaction:

We make every trek memorable with 100% service at an affordable price.


That's our prime responsibility. Our team is well-qualified professionals with basic mountaineering courses. It also undergoes time-to-time health checkups and follows a fitness routine.


We follow eco-friendly practices, which makes every trip memorable and responsible.

  • About Us

    Our company, Iconic Holiday Nepal, is a leading provider of adventure travel experiences in Nepal. We specialize in organizing trekking, tours, jungle safaris, day hikes, climbing, volunteering, and many other adventurous sports activities like rafting, mountain biking, paragliding, bungee jumping, canoeing, etc. Our trips explore some of the most breathtaking and iconic destinations in the country.Founded by a passionate and ...

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  • Terms and Conditions

    You will be bound by the below terms & conditions once you book any trip with us that includes trek, tour, climbing, or outdoor activities. We have an apparent policy with no hidden clauses or charges. You will be pre-informed if the trip/service incurs any additional cost and provides the option to accept or reject it.Please carefully read the terms ...

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